%0 Journal Article %T Methodology on rock fragments content evaluation: A review
土壤中砾石含量的测定方法研究进展 %A XIE Ying-ge %A LI Xia %A
解迎革 %A 李 霞 %J 土壤 %D 2012 %I %X Soils may contain large numbers of rock fragments in the soil matrix.Rock fragments affect physiochemical soil properties and hydraulic soil properties by their presence in soil matrix.Thus,quantifying the rock fragments can influence the assessment of productivity and research on hydraulic properties of stony soils.There are different methods now available for measuring the rock fragments content.The methodology and application of ring sampler,digging pits,Viro rod,γ attenuation and electrical resistivity tomography were discussed in this paper.Method should be favored according to the case of the studying field.More attentions should be paid to the measurement of rock fragments content,aiming at providing important information for soil study and improving the research level of soil science. %K Soil %K Rock fragments %K Content %K Measurement
土壤 %K 砾石 %K 含量 %K 测定 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=03F54A49DE00578AA0E5DDF5BC021AA7&cid=1A8B5357F0EF07B8&jid=56F69E970C6E5190CDB409D28DD0E3C6&aid=424AB885602C5EDFAAAA10E3C912D9E1&yid=99E9153A83D4CB11&vid=1AE5323881A5ECDC&iid=CA4FD0336C81A37A&sid=BCA2697F357F2001&eid=BC12EA701C895178&journal_id=0253-9829&journal_name=土壤&referenced_num=0&reference_num=46