%0 Journal Article %T Principle and application of DNA-based stable isotope probing---a review
稳定性同位素核酸探针技术DNA-SIP 原理与应用 %A Zhongjun Jia %A
贾仲君 %J 微生物学报 %D 2011 %I %X Microbial communities are the engines that drive the global biogeochemical cycle of carbon and nitrogen essential for life on Earth.However,microorganisms have evolved as a result of complex interactions with other organisms and environments.Deciphering the metabolism of microorganisms at the community level in nature will be crucial for a better understanding of the mechanisms that lead to the enormous divergence of microbial ecophysiology.Due to the immense number of uncultivated microbial species and the... %K microbial ecophysiology %K DNA-SIP %K metagenomics %K next-generation sequencing technology
微生物生理生态学 %K 稳定性同位素核酸探针技术 %K DNA-SIP %K 环境基因组学 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=90BA3D13E7F3BC869AC96FB3DA594E3FE34FBF7B8BC0E591&jid=A3C6BA55AB623B90FA9104CFFC826F3C&aid=9345C3E296A5F6AFD092F1A8FC391985&yid=9377ED8094509821&vid=987EDA49D8A7A635&iid=59906B3B2830C2C5&sid=A7E1C896834B988A&eid=15863C3A31AE2538&journal_id=0001-6209&journal_name=微生物学报&referenced_num=0&reference_num=36