%0 Journal Article %T The Effects of Haloperidol on Neuronal Firing in Rats Anterior Cingulate Cortex During Cost-Benefit Decision-Making Tasks
氟哌啶醇干扰决策过程中前扣带回神经元的放电活动 %A YUAN Shui-Xia %A XU Hui %A LI Xia %A GU Kai %A ZUO Yang-Fan %A LU Qin-Qin %A DAI Shu-Fen %A YU Ping %A
袁水霞 %A 徐晖 %A 李霞 %A 顾凯 %A 左洋凡 %A 卢钦钦 %A 代淑芬 %A 于萍 %J 心理学报 %D 2012 %I %X There many studies have demonstrated that anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the level of dopamine (DA) in this brain area play a critical role in effort-based decision-making, a kind of cost-benefit decision-making. It has been found that haloperidol, a DA D2 receptor-antagonist, could disrupt the performance of rats in effort-based decision-making tasks. The present experimental study used on-line multi-channel neuronal recording technique to record both the neuronal firing frequency and local field potentials (LFPs) in ACC when rats were performing effort-based decision-making tasks. We further investigate the effects of haloperidol on performance of rats. All rats (10 Wistar rats) were surgically implanted with a 2×8 microelectrode array in ACC before they learned behavioral task. After 1 week of recovery, rats were introduced to T-maze for training periods. There were two choices in this task, rats could choose to get two food pellets at the end of one arm without any barrier (low cost-low reward, LCLR) or by climbing a barrier (high cost-high reward, HCHR) to get four pellets at the end of the other arm. After training for a period of time (about 2 weeks), eight of ten rats preferred choosing HCHR. Electrophysiological research found five characteristic types of neuronal firing, and a great majority of ACC neurons showed significantly higher firing when to choose HCHR. Compared to control group (saline, 0.5ml, i.p), injection of haloperidol (0.1mg/kg, i.p) significantly decreased the ratio of choosing HCHR, which made the characteristic firing of ACC neurons disappear and reduced LFPs of ACC. This indicates that haloperidol impaired the function of effort-based decision-making. No movement disorders or decreased appetite were observed through out experiments. In conclusion, the present study recorded activities of individual neurons in ACC when rats were performing decision-making tasks. We also studied the impact of haloperidol on the performance of rats. This study confirmed that ACC and actions of D2 receptor are very important in modulating effort-based decision-making. %K cost-benefit decision making %K anterior cingulate cortex %K dopamine %K T-maze
成本效益决策 %K 前扣带回 %K 多巴胺 %K T-迷宫 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=C94E3F05CFD5644C9DAA97BEB9148D4784B6B22E64D84F4E&jid=1EE72F392B87F45015B3CA6D9A7AFA6F&aid=09A83131469FC5D4E619EE38C3FB4908&yid=99E9153A83D4CB11&vid=1AE5323881A5ECDC&iid=38B194292C032A66&sid=302684F6FB4B24FF&eid=A5111BA190517959&journal_id=0439-755X&journal_name=心理学报&referenced_num=0&reference_num=0