%0 Journal Article %T Mylonitic potassic granitoids from the Yagan metamorphic core complex on Sino-Mongolian border: a mark of transition from contractile to extensional tectonic regime
中蒙边界亚干变质核杂岩糜棱状钾质花岗岩—早中生代收缩与伸展构造体制的转换标志 %A WANG Tao %A ZHENG YaDong %A LIU ShuWen %A LI TianBin %A MA MingBo %A
王涛 %A 郑亚东 %A 刘树文 %A 李天斌 %A 马铭波 %J 岩石学报 %D 2002 %I %X Occurrences of large-scale thrusts and extensional tectonics in Middle and Late-Mesozoic are a striking feature of the tectonics in the North China Block. This paper, however, further recognizes Early Mesozoic mylonitic granites with extensional tectonic setting from the Yagan metamorphic core complex (MCC). a typical representative of extensional tectonics. They have features of potassic or shoshonitic granite types and their tectonic discriminations show extensional setting. The zircon U-Pb dating of the Shuiquangou mylonitic pluton yields 228 + 7Ma. These granitoids were strongly deformed by syn-tectonic magmatic flow and high-temperature solid flow. All these characteristics suggest that adjustment, thinning and extensional deformations at the middle-low crustal levels might have started from the early Mesozoic, i.e. much more earlier than the final formation (Mesozoic) of the large-scale extensional tectonics, i.e. the MCC. Integration of all these characteristics displays a peculiar tectonic dynamic mechanism and setting. %K Mylonitic granite %K Syn-emplacement deformation %K Extensional setting %K Early Mesozoic %K Sino-Mongolian border
亚干变质核杂岩 %K 伸展构造体 %K 转换标志 %K 糜棱岩状花岗岩 %K 同侵位变形 %K 拉张环境 %K 早中生代 %K 中蒙边界 %K 推覆构造 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=E62459D214FD64A3C8082E4ED1ABABED5711027BBBDDD35B&cid=621CF755B1A341E5&jid=2013B5467E3054B1614CEC199353FCED&aid=5D8780A474389591&yid=C3ACC247184A22C1&vid=13553B2D12F347E8&iid=0B39A22176CE99FB&sid=6425DAE0271BB751&eid=50BBDFAC8381694B&journal_id=1000-0569&journal_name=岩石学报&referenced_num=11&reference_num=34