%0 Journal Article %T Greenhouse gases flux estimation of hot springs in Changbaishan volcanic field,NE China
长白山火山区温泉温室气体排放通量研究 %A ZHANG MaoLiang %A GUO ZhengFu %A CHENG ZhiHui %A ZHANG LiHong %A GUO WenFeng %A YANG CanYao %A FU QingZhou %A WEN XinYi %A
张茂亮 %A 郭正府 %A 成智慧 %A 张丽红 %A 郭文峰 %A 杨灿尧 %A 付庆州 %A 温心怡 %J 岩石学报 %D 2011 %I %X Hot springs, which belong to the direct manifestations of deep-derived magma activities, are ample and intensive in Changbaishan volcanic field, NE China. Greenhouse gases emitting from hot springs take up an important part of the total flux contributed by the whole volcanic field. However, there remains no research on greenhouse gases flux estimation of hot springs in volcanic fields of China. A new apparatus named GL-103B digital bubble/liquid flowmeter is used to measure the gas fluxes of the Lake shoreline hot spring belt, Julong hot spring area, Jinjiang hot springs and 18daogou hot springs in changbaishan volcanic field. Combining with the previous studies on gas compositions, the total flux of greenhouse gases emitting from hot springs in Changbaishan volcanic field has been estimated. The results of greenhouse gases flux in this area, 6.9×104 t·a-1 for CO2 and 428.44t·a-1 for CH4, could be compared to that of Pantelleria Island volcano in Sicily, Italy. As is revealed by this study, the digital bubble/liquid flowmeter could be considered as a suitable choice for greenhouse gases flux estimation of hot springs in volcanic fields. %K Hot springs gases %K Greenhouse gases %K Flux %K Changbaishan volcanic field %K NE China
温泉气体 %K 温室气体 %K 通量 %K 长白山火山区 %K 中国东北 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=E62459D214FD64A3C8082E4ED1ABABED5711027BBBDDD35B&cid=621CF755B1A341E5&jid=2013B5467E3054B1614CEC199353FCED&aid=B0A3094CBEF84E9131846965187D95AF&yid=9377ED8094509821&vid=DB817633AA4F79B9&iid=F3090AE9B60B7ED1&sid=2E010CE1EA4F1424&eid=D1CAD49A2C52936F&journal_id=1000-0569&journal_name=岩石学报&referenced_num=0&reference_num=22