%0 Journal Article %T FISH analysis of chromosomes of sweet potato(Ipomoea batatas cv.Xushu No.18)
荧光原位杂交技术分析栽培种甘薯(Ipomoea batatas cv.XushuNo.18)染色体 %A TANG Jia-Li %A QI Da-Shi %A ZHANG Yu %A LIU Hui-Juan %A SUN Jian-Ying %A CAO Qing-He %A MA Dai-Fu %A LI Zong-Yun %A School of Life Science %A Xuzhou Normal University %A Xuzhou %A China %A Xuzhou Normal University %A The Key Laboratory of Biotechnology for Medicinal Plants of Jiangsu Province %A School of Life Science %A Beijing Normal University %A Beijing %A
汤佳立 %A 戚大石 %A 张俞 %A 刘慧娟 %A 孙健英 %A 曹清河 %A 马代夫 %A 李宗芸 %J 遗传 %D 2010 %I %X In order to understand the chromosome structure of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas cv. Xushu 18), molecular cytogenetic analyses were carried out on I. batatas. by using 45S rDNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (45S rDNA-FISH), self genomic in situ hybridization (self-GISH), and silver staining techniques. Twelve, sixteen, and eighteen regions were silver stained in the interphase nucleus of I. batatas. The results of FISH analysis demonstrated 16 or 18 signals with different intensity on chromosomes of I. batatas. Self-GISH analysis showed that the intensive signals on I. batatas mitotic chromosomes were distributed along the chromosomes. However, the signals located in centromeric, subcentromeric, and telomeric regions were stronger and denser than those in other regions. %K 45SrDNA %K sweet potato %K silver staining %K 45S rDNA %K fluorescence in situ hybridization %K self genomic in situ hybridization
甘薯 %K 银染 %K 45S %K rDNA %K 荧光原位杂交 %K 自身基因组原位杂交 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=90BA3D13E7F3BC869AC96FB3DA594E3FE34FBF7B8BC0E591&jid=3E23F50E071DF18E21B2F5AEE4F1FA5E&aid=4C2F74604A335830A4D030AACDADAAFF&yid=140ECF96957D60B2&vid=9971A5E270697F23&iid=0B39A22176CE99FB&sid=6425DAE0271BB751&eid=B1F98368A47B8888&journal_id=0253-9772&journal_name=遗传&referenced_num=0&reference_num=22