%0 Journal Article %T Precipitation pulses and ecosystem responses in arid and semiarid regions: A review
干旱、半干旱环境降水脉动对生态系统的影响 %A ZHAO Wen-zhi %A LIU Hu %A
赵文智 %A 刘鸽 %J 应用生态学报 %D 2011 %I %X Precipitation events in arid/semi-arid environment are usually occurred in “pulses”, with highly variable arrival time, duration, and intensity. These discrete and largely unpredictable features may lead to the pulsed availability of soil water and nutrients in space and time. Resources pulses can affect the life history traits and behaviors at individual level, numerous responses at population level, and indirect effects at community level. This paper reviewed the most recent research advances in the related fields from the aspects of the effects of resources pulses and the responses of ecosystems. It was emphasized that the following issues are still open, e.g., the effects of the pulsed features of resources availability on ecosystems, the discrepancy among the effects of resources pulses in different ecosystems, the eco-hydrological mechanisms that determine the persistence of pulsed resources effects, and the effects of the pulsed resources availability on ecosystem processes.Given the potential global climate and precipitation pattern change, an important research direction in the future is to determine how the resources pulses affect the ecosystem responses at different scales under different climate scenarios. %K precipitation pulses %K resources pulses %K ecosystem responses %K arid and %K semiarid region %K soil water
降水脉动 %K 资源脉动 %K 生态系统响应 %K 干旱半干旱区 %K 土壤水分 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=90BA3D13E7F3BC869AC96FB3DA594E3FE34FBF7B8BC0E591&jid=42FEDDFE54F8BCD9D5FD1926ABDD7722&aid=E2883687668AD6A35644609D4344ECC3&yid=9377ED8094509821&vid=BC12EA701C895178&iid=CA4FD0336C81A37A&sid=B78CD622C1934236&eid=D537C66B6404FE57&journal_id=1001-9332&journal_name=应用生态学报&referenced_num=0&reference_num=82