%0 Journal Article %T Identification of in vivo induced protein antigens of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi during human infection
%A HU Yong %A CONG YanGuang %A LI Shu %A RAO XianCai %A WANG Gang& %A HU FuQuan %A
%J 中国科学C辑(英文版) %D 2009 %I Springer %X During infectious disease episodes, pathogens express distinct subsets of virulence factors which allow them to adapt to different environments. Hence, genes that are expressed or upregulated in vivo are implicated in pathogenesis. We used in vivo induced antigen technology (IVIAT) to identify antigens which are expressed during infection with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi. We identified 7 in vivo induced (IVI) antigens, which included BcfD (a fimbrial structural subunit), GrxC (a glutaredoxin 3), SapB (an ABC-type transport system), T3663 (an ABC-type uncharacterized transport system), T3816 (a putative rhodanese-related sulfurtransferase), T1497 (a probable TonB-dependent receptor) and T3689 (unknown function). Of the 7 identified antigens, 5 antigens had no cross-immunoreactivity in adsorbed control sera from healthy subjects. These 5 included BcfD, GrxC, SapB, T3663 and T3689. Antigens identified in this study are potential targets for drug and vaccine development and may be utilized as diagnostic agents. %K Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi %K in vivo induced antigen technology (IVIAT) %K virulence
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