%0 Journal Article %T Atmospheric Circulation Anomalies of Large-scale Extreme High Temperature Events in Northwest China
中国西北地区大范围极端高温事件的大气环流异常特征 %A CHEN Lei %A WANG Shi-gong %A SHANG Ke-zheng %A YANG De-bao %A
陈磊 %A 王式功 %A 尚可政 %A 杨德保 %J 中国沙漠 %D 2011 %I %X By using the daily temperature data of 90 stations in northwest China from 1961 to 2005,the atmospheric circulation anomalies of large-scale extreme high temperature events in this area were analyzed.The results show that when large-scale extreme high temperature event occurred,the South Asia High became strong and moved to the northwest China,and the Subtropical High Ridge shifted to the north,and the high cell with warm centre at 500 hPa controlled this area,and there were negative(positive) temperature a... %K extreme high temperature %K circulation anomalies %K northwest China
极端高温 %K 环流异常 %K 西北地区 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=E62459D214FD64A3C8082E4ED1ABABED5711027BBBDDD35B&cid=869B153A4C6B5B85&jid=F62EDFC6E63C5D025C6AE9D0171B7C05&aid=B64E2EF1739A75D503B21A570FC587A2&yid=9377ED8094509821&vid=340AC2BF8E7AB4FD&iid=E158A972A605785F&sid=33C2C2DAF31F219B&eid=10343777FBBF55D5&journal_id=1000-694X&journal_name=中国沙漠&referenced_num=0&reference_num=35