%0 Journal Article %T Radar-Based Analysis of Convective Storms over Northwestern Italy %A Paolo Davini %A Renzo Bechini %A Roberto Cremonini %A Claudio Cassardo %J Atmosphere %D 2012 %I MDPI AG %R 10.3390/atmos3010033 %X Thunderstorms may cause large damages to infrastructures and population, therefore the possible identification of the areas with the highest occurrence of these events is especially relevant. Nevertheless, few extensive studies of these phenomena with high spatial and temporal resolution have been carried out in the Alps and none of them includes North-western Italy. To analyze thunderstorm events, the data of the meteorological radar network of the regional meteorological service of Piedmont region (ARPA Piemonte) have been used in this work. The database analyzed includes all thunderstorms occurred during the warm months (April to September) of a 6-year period (2005¨C2010). The tracks of each storm have been evaluated using a storm tracking algorithm. Several characteristics of the storms have been analyzed, such as the duration, the spatial and the temporaldistribution, the direction and the distance travelled. Obtained results revealed several important characteristics that may be useful for nowcasting purposes providing a first attempt of radar-based climatology in the considered region. %K thunderstorms %K North-western Italy %K convective cells %K weather radar %U http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4433/3/1/33