%0 Journal Article %T Magnetic field and temperature dependence of the properties of the ground state of the strong-coupling bound magnetopolaron in quantum rods with hydrogenic impurity
量子棒中强耦合氢化杂质束缚磁极化子基态性质的磁场和温度依赖性 %A Xin Wei %A Zhao Yuwei %A Han Chao %A Eerdunchaolu %A
辛伟 %A 赵玉伟 %A 韩超 %A 额尔敦朝鲁 %J 半导体学报 %D 2013 %I %X Magnetic field and temperature dependence of the properties of the ground state of the strong-coupling bound magnetopolaron in quantum rods (QRs) with hydrogenic impurity is studied by means of the Huybrechts-Lee-Low-Pines transformation method and the quantum statistical theory. The expressions for the ground-state energy and the mean number of phonons of the magnetopolaron are derived. Results of the numerical calculations show that the bound state of the magnetopolaron cannot be formed when the value of the aspect ratio of the QR, the dielectric constant ratio, the electron-phonon coupling strength or the temperature parameter is small. The larger the deviation of the value of aspect ratio e' from 1 is, the more it is unfavorable to the stability of the ground state of the magnetopolaron. When the magnetopolaron is in the bound state, the absolute value of its ground-state energy and its mean number of phonons increase with an increase of the dielectric constant ratio and confinement strength of QRs, but decrease with an increase in the cyclotron frequency of the external magnetic field and the temperature. The absolute value of the ground-state energy and the mean number of phonons of the magnetopolaron decrease with decreasing e' when e'<1, but decrease with increasing e' when e'>1. They get the maximum value at e'=1. %K quantum rods %K hydrogenic impurity %K magnetopolaron %K ground-state energy %K mean number of phonons %K temperature dependence
量子棒 %K 氢化杂质 %K 束缚磁极化子 %K 基态能量 %K 声子平均数 %K 温度依赖性 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=5B3AB970F71A803DEACDC0559115BFCF0A068CD97DD29835&cid=1319827C0C74AAE8D654BEA21B7F54D3&jid=025C8057C4D37C4BA0041DC7DE7C758F&aid=A2B81C56D90B149C96E130D3E0F52C99&yid=FF7AA908D58E97FA&vid=339D79302DF62549&iid=94C357A881DFC066&sid=4C8674B61D52D288&eid=B31275AF3241DB2D&journal_id=1674-4926&journal_name=半导体学报&referenced_num=0&reference_num=27