%0 Journal Article %T Extensional Information Articulation from the Universe %A Makoto Yoshitake %A Yasufumi Saruwatari %J Information %D 2012 %I MDPI AG %R 10.3390/info3040644 %X Information must have physical support and this physical universe comprisesphysical interactions. Hence actual information processes should have a description byinteractions alone, i.e., an extensional description. In this paper, such a model of the processof information articulation from the universe is developed by generalizing the extensivemeasurement theory in metrology. Moreover, a model of the attribute creation processis presented to exemplify a step of the informational articulation process. These modelsdemonstrate the valuableness of the extensional view and are expected to enhance theunderstanding of the extensional aspects of fundamentals of information. %K extensional %K information articulation %K IGUS %K extensive measurement %U http://www.mdpi.com/2078-2489/3/4/644