%0 Journal Article %T Information and Energy/Matter %A Gordana Dodig Crnkovic %J Information %D 2012 %I MDPI AG %R 10.3390/info3040751 %X What can we hope for from studies of information related to energy/matter (as it appears for us in space/time)? Information is a concept known for its ambiguity in both common, everyday use and in its specific technical applications throughout different fields of research and technology. However, most people are unaware that matter/energy today is also a concept surrounded by a disquieting uncertainty. What for Democritus were building blocks of the whole universe appear today to constitute only 4% of its observed content. (NASA 2012) [1] The rest is labeled ˇ°dark matterˇ± (conjectured to explain gravitational effects otherwise unaccounted for) and ˇ°dark energyˇ± (introduced to account for the expansion of the universe). We do not know what ˇ°dark matterˇ± and ˇ°dark energyˇ± actually are. This indicates that our present understanding of the structure of the physical world needs re-examination. [...] %U http://www.mdpi.com/2078-2489/3/4/751