%0 Journal Article %T Sealing Effect of REE on Anodic Film of Aluminum Alloy Under Electric Filed
在电场作用下稀土元素对铝合金阳极氧化膜的封闭作用 %A HUO Pin %A ZHAO Jing-mao %A
霍品 %A 赵景茂 %J 腐蚀科学与防护技术 %D 2012 %I %X The sealing effect of REE on anodic film of aluminum alloy under electric filed is an effective non-toxic harmless measure. In this paper, the technology and the relevant mechanism of the sealing of REE on anodic film of aluminum alloy under electric filed are summarized. The research progress in this field is also summarized .The rational suggestion and feasible countermeasures of this field are put forward. %K REE %K electric filed %K sealing %K aluminum alloy %K anodizing
稀土元素 %K 电场作用 %K 封闭 %K 铝合金 %K 阳极氧化 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=5B3AB970F71A803DEACDC0559115BFCF0A068CD97DD29835&cid=AB188D3B70B071C57EB64E395D864ECE&jid=9F6E6EC8BA5BB62698F6640073DDD6E1&aid=36464541183B84FA5DCBC8A8A1429A04&yid=99E9153A83D4CB11&vid=B91E8C6D6FE990DB&iid=CA4FD0336C81A37A&sid=CA4FD0336C81A37A&eid=E158A972A605785F&journal_id=1002-6495&journal_name=腐蚀科学与防护技术&referenced_num=0&reference_num=26