%0 Journal Article %T Mobility Analysis in Wireless Networks Based on a Cross-layer Network Calculus Model
基于跨层网络演算模型的无线网络移动性能分析 %A Yu Li %A Jiang Lie %A Luo Jing-jing %A Zhang Jie %A
喻莉 %A 姜烈 %A 罗晶晶 %A 张婕 %J 电子与信息学报 %D 2012 %I %X In order to study the effect of terminal moving on QoS in wireless networks, a cross-layer network calculus model is established to calculate the delay and backlog performance parameters when communication terminals are under different moving speeds. This model combines the idea of cross-layer analysis and network calculus theory, which mapping the different characteristic of network layer, link layer and physical layer into a series of network calculus components. Based on the cross-layer network calculus model, the corresponding service curve can be derived conveniently when moving terminals are under different moving speeds using network calculus theory, in addition, the backlog and delay performance parameters can be calculated. Simulation results veried that the established cross-layer network calculus model can analysis the backlog and delay performance in wireless networks under different terminal moving speeds. %K Wireless networks %K Mobility performance %K Network calculus %K QoS %K Cross-layer
无线网络 %K 移动性能 %K 网络演算 %K 服务质量 %K 跨层 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=5B3AB970F71A803DEACDC0559115BFCF0A068CD97DD29835&cid=1319827C0C74AAE8D654BEA21B7F54D3&jid=EFC0377B03BD8D0EF4BBB548AC5F739A&aid=3B8BF30E16FD5CB0820EC249AA87E500&yid=99E9153A83D4CB11&vid=339D79302DF62549&iid=CA4FD0336C81A37A&sid=11B4E5CC8CDD3201&eid=95D537AC89B28832&journal_id=1009-5896&journal_name=电子与信息学报&referenced_num=0&reference_num=14