%0 Journal Article %T Achieving 100% Throughput in a Two-stage Multicast Switch
保证100%吞吐率的两级组播交换结构 %A Zhou Ting %A Zhao You-jian %A Wang Rui-sheng %A
周婷 %A 赵有健 %A 王瑞生 %J 电子与信息学报 %D 2012 %I %X The Internet growth coupled with the variety of multicast services is creating an increasing need for multicast traffic support by routers and packet switches. However, the traditional crossbar-based multicast scheduling schemes are unable to meet the needs of high-speed switching for the low performance and high implementation complexity. In this paper, a Two-Stage Multicast Switch (TSMS) is proposed, which is a serial combination of a Multicast To Unicast (MTU) switch to copy input cells from various sources simultaneously and a Combined Input and Output Queueing (CIOQ) switch to deliver copies of multicast cells to their final destinations. Based on MTU switch, a novel Largest Fanout Cardinal Number First-Uniform Middle Buffer Allocation (LFCNF-UMBA) scheduling algorithm is designed to determine how to copy multicast cells into unicast cells. By coordinately using Maximal Matching scheduling algorithm in CIOQ switch, it is proved that speedup of 2 2/(N+1) is necessary and 2 is sufficient for a M×N TSMS to achieve 100% throughput under any admissible multicast traffic pattern, which is also verified by the simulation results. %K Switch %K Multicast %K Scheduling %K Crossbar %K Throughput
交换结构 %K 组播 %K 调度 %K 交叉开关 %K 吞吐率 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=5B3AB970F71A803DEACDC0559115BFCF0A068CD97DD29835&cid=1319827C0C74AAE8D654BEA21B7F54D3&jid=EFC0377B03BD8D0EF4BBB548AC5F739A&aid=3B8BF30E16FD5CB0238C950E5C222A22&yid=99E9153A83D4CB11&vid=339D79302DF62549&iid=CA4FD0336C81A37A&sid=0D0D661F0B316AD5&eid=7E8E8B150580E4AB&journal_id=1009-5896&journal_name=电子与信息学报&referenced_num=0&reference_num=12