%0 Journal Article %T Late Cenozoic Left-Slip Faulting Process of the East Kunlun-Qinling Fault System in West Qinling Region and Its Eastward Propagation
西秦岭地区东昆仑-秦岭断裂系晚新生代左旋走滑历史及其向东扩展 %A ZHANG Yue-qiao %A MA Yin-sheng %A YANG Nong %A ZHANG Hui-ping %A SHI Wei %A
张岳桥 %A 马寅生 %A 杨农 %A 张会平 %A 施炜 %J 地球学报 %D 2005 %I %X Based on TM imagery interpretation and field observations, this paper has described the distribution and morphostructural features of main active faults in East Kunlun, analyzed tectono-sedimentary characteristics of the Neogene pull-apart basins in West Qinling region, and proposed a 3-stage evolutionary model for the East Kunlun-Qinling fault system in Late Cenozoic. It is pointed out that the East Kunlun-Qinling fault system behaved as transtensional strike-slip faulting from Late Miocene to Early Pliocene, with the development of pull-apart basins and ultrabasic volcanic activities along the fault zones. The onset of this faulting stage was concomitant with the change in the direction of extension from NE-SW to NW-SE in Weihe graben. Beginning from Late Pliocene (about 3.4 Ma ago), the kinematics of the East Kunlun-Qinling fault system changed into transpressional strike-slip faulting, which caused gentle deformation of the Neogene pull-part basins. This deformation stage lasted till Early Pleistocene. Its eastward propagation caused widespread effect of crustal deformation, which included the initiation and development of the N-S trending Minshan uplift in the eastern margin of Tibetan plateau, the Fen-Wei graben system in North China and the right-lateral strike-slip motion along the Tan-Lu fault zone. During Middle and Late Pleistocene, the fault system was active left-laterally with a normal slip component, mostly localized along the three bifurcated fault zones in East Kunlun. %K East Kunlun-Qinling fault system %K transpression %K transtension %K pull-apart basin %K Neogene %K Quaternary
东昆仑-秦岭断裂系 %K 走滑伸展 %K 走滑挤压 %K 拉分盆地 %K 新近纪 %K 第四纪 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=E62459D214FD64A3C8082E4ED1ABABED5711027BBBDDD35B&cid=621CF755B1A341E5&jid=1DF69A47DE80569EC8F859DF61571180&aid=82E53A58B96F5AABCD8F0294C53228C3&yid=2DD7160C83D0ACED&vid=96C778EE049EE47D&iid=CA4FD0336C81A37A&sid=CA4FD0336C81A37A&eid=5D311CA918CA9A03&journal_id=1006-3021&journal_name=地球学报&referenced_num=12&reference_num=33