中国矽卡岩型白钨矿矿床成矿基本地质特征 %A BI Cheng-en %A
毕承思 %J 地球学报 %D 1987 %I %X Skarn-type scheelite deposit is most widespread and of the greatest economic value, occupying an important place among all tungstun deposits in the world. China's tungstun deposits rank first in the world. Skarn-type scheelite accounts for 60.62% of the total tungstun reserves in China, which remains to be exploited and utilzed.Skarn-type scheelite deposits are distributed widely in China, and have been found in more than half of its 29 provinces. They are mainly concentrated in South China and some in Northeast, Northwest and other parts of China, constituting the major part of scheelite zone of the Circum-Pacific metallogenic belt. The ore-controlling horizons are largely developed in the Devonian and Cretaceous. The mineral was formed in a wide range of geological time, but mainly during the Yanshanian period. Spatially, skarn-type scheelite deposits can be classified as one metallogenic province and six metallogenic zones in China. This paper discusses the relationship between the distribution of the deposits and geotectonics, and the source of mineralforming materials and compare the deposits in China with those famous in the other parts of the world. Compositionally, the tungstun deposits of China have a slightly higher acidity. The tungstun deposits associated with I-type granite are predominantly medium-and small-scaled, while the large-and medium-scaled ones are mostly associated with the S-type granite. Comparatively speaking, some famous skarn-type scheelite deposits in the world were formed at a somewhat deep depth and higher temperature, with better developed subsequent hydrothermal alteration and higher ore grade. According to the origin of hydrothermal solution and ore-bearing formations, the skarn-type scheelite deposits are classified and the scheelite deposits associated with ma-gmatic hydrothermal solutions and those associated with migmatized hydro-thermal solution are schematically compared in the paper. %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=E62459D214FD64A3C8082E4ED1ABABED5711027BBBDDD35B&cid=621CF755B1A341E5&jid=1DF69A47DE80569EC8F859DF61571180&aid=8A5BBB6F6CE57A262005F66BB9C088BE&yid=9C2DB0A0D5ABE6F8&vid=9CF7A0430CBB2DFD&iid=38B194292C032A66&sid=2A3781E88AB1776F&eid=0401E2DB1F51F8DE&journal_id=1006-3021&journal_name=地球学报&referenced_num=0&reference_num=0