%0 Journal Article
%T Mid-tail magnetic reconnection triggering substorm: A case study
%A 王荣生
%A 杜爱民
%A 陆全明
%A 赵旭东
%A 罗浩
%J 地球物理学报
%D 2010
%X Onset of a substorm is closely correlated with the current disruption in the near-Earth magnetotail, about 6~8 RE and magnetic reconnection in the middle magnetotail, around 20 ~ 30 RE. It is vital to understand the onset of a substorm by studying the time series among polar expansion of aurora, current disruption and magnetic reconnection. In this paper, with measurements from the Cluster spacecraft in the middle magnetotail, LANL-01 and LANL-97 at the synchronous orbit, POLAR in the near-earth magnetotail and IMAGE at polar region, a single substorm event is presented. The analysis indicates that magnetic reconnection is 3 minutes earlier than the current disruption in the near-earth magnetotail. Aurora brightening is observed by IMAGE 4 minutes after the current disruption. Simultaneously, the sharply increment of the AE index implies the substorm onset. The observational result is consistent with the Near Earth Neutral Line model (NENL).
%K Substorm
%K Magnetic reconnection
%K Dipolarization
%K Current disruption
%K 磁场重联
%K 偶极化
%K 电流片中断
%U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=E62459D214FD64A3C8082E4ED1ABABED5711027BBBDDD35B&cid=1E44AE713D8A6DE0&jid=14DC41C59CBF6770055A7D610D53AE46&aid=F09BC824AE649128BCA2408C6FDF0BEF&yid=140ECF96957D60B2&vid=8E6AB9C3EBAAE921&iid=94C357A881DFC066&sid=5CC11A326E54A79A&eid=BE9F677535B03A98&journal_id=0001-5733&journal_name=地球物理学报&referenced_num=0&reference_num=31