%0 Journal Article %T Seismic exploration method for buried fault and its up-breakpoint in Quaternary sediment area-An example of Yinchuan buried active fault
第四纪沉积区断层及其上断点探测的地震方法技术——以银川隐伏活动断层为例 %A LIU Bao-Jin %A CHAI Chi-Zhang %A FENG Shao-Ying %A ZHAO Cheng-Bin %A YUAN Hong-Ke %A
刘保金 %J 地球物理学报 %D 2008 %I %X Seismic exploration is an effective geophysical method for buried fault survey.The spread geometries of seismic exploration are the main factors to affect the exploration results as well as the accuracy of fault location.In this paper,based on the shallow seismic exploration data obtained from active fault survey in Yinchuan city and also in combination with the oil seismic exploration profiles along with the drilling geological data,an upward fault tracing method was proposed to determine the geometry of the target fault and its up-breakpoint in thick Quaternary sediments.The result shows that the combination of high resolution shallow seismic exploration and drilling geological section is an effective way for locating the buried fault and determining its activity. %K Buried active fault %K Seismic exploration %K Drilling geological section %K The up-breakpoint of fault
隐伏活断层 %K 地震勘探 %K 钻孔地质剖面 %K 断层上断点 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=E62459D214FD64A3C8082E4ED1ABABED5711027BBBDDD35B&cid=1E44AE713D8A6DE0&jid=14DC41C59CBF6770055A7D610D53AE46&aid=71934610C281FB7917AFE7CFC38E9D52&yid=67289AFF6305E306&vid=987EDA49D8A7A635&iid=94C357A881DFC066&sid=8090F7AAC926756F&eid=6E73C7EB16CBAB68&journal_id=0001-5733&journal_name=地球物理学报&referenced_num=4&reference_num=14