%0 Journal Article %T Salient edge guided image abstraction optimization
显著性边缘引导下的图像抽象化 %A Wang Xun %A Li Hong %A Liu Chunxiao %A Yan Caiping %A
王勋 %A 李红 %A 刘春晓 %A 严彩萍 %J 中国图象图形学报 %D 2013 %I %X Considering the shortage of salient edge information for existing image abstraction methods, we present a salient edge guided approach based on energy optimization. For an input image, we first construct a salient edge map by a proposed edge information passing scheme which can effectively reduce the discontinuity of long edges. Then, in order to accentuate the details of the salient edges while suppressing the tangle-some details, we build an expected image gradient field in terms of the salient edge map. Finally, constrained by the image color information and the expected gradient field, we get the rendering result by minimizing a devised energy function. The experiment results show that our method has obvious advantage in the preservation of the edge coherence. %K image abstraction %K salient edge %K expected gradient field %K energy optimization
图像抽象化 %K 显著性边缘 %K 期望梯度场 %K 能量优化 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=5B3AB970F71A803DEACDC0559115BFCF0A068CD97DD29835&cid=8240383F08CE46C8B05036380D75B607&jid=D06194629680C940ACE75262F54B9D85&aid=2C0F2EE71B46795F5F001FF876D9CC8F&yid=FF7AA908D58E97FA&vid=13553B2D12F347E8&iid=38B194292C032A66&sid=407C905D8F0449C4&eid=85002451B65CE0D1&journal_id=1006-8961&journal_name=中国图象图形学报&referenced_num=0&reference_num=16