%0 Journal Article %T microRNA-16 expression in HeLa cells is upregulated in cell-cycle and drug dependent manner
%A Jie Li %A JiaRui Wu %A
%J 科学通报(英文版) %D 2011 %I %X microRNAs are single-stranded, non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression. The microRNA-16 family has been reported to be involved in cell-cycle regulation, which could also downregulate expression of multiple pro-proliferation genes. The present results demonstrated that miR-16 expression in HeLa cells increased when the cells were arrested during S-phase under methyl methanesulfate (MMS) treatment. This further resulted in downregulation of a target protein CDC25A, whereas miR-16 expression did not increase when HeLa cells were arrested during the MMS-treated G0/G1 or G2/M phase. Furthermore, when HeLa cells were arrested during S-phase with hydroxyurea treatment, miR-16 expression did not increase. These results suggest that expression levels of microRNAs in mammalian cells are delicately regulated under variable cellular conditions. %K microRNA %K cell cycle %K DNA damage %K methyl methanesulfate %K HeLa cells
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