%0 Journal Article
%T Goldfish β-catenin cell-autonomously inhibits the expression of early neural development regulating gene vsx1
%A QiongYu Zhang
%A Kang Zheng
%A ShanShan Ma
%A Ying Tong
%A Chen Luo
%J 科学通报(英文版)
%D 2010
%X β-catenin gene is essential for the formation of normal dorsal axial structure in vertebrates. Recent studies have provided evidence that β-catenin has a certain role in restricting the amount of organizer-induced neurectoderm formation in zebrafish and Xenopus laevis. To further understand how β-catenin represses the induction of neurectoderm formation and whether the inhibition of neural progenitor fates is essential for the normal organizer formation, it was investigated whether β-catenin was involved in...
%K &beta
%K -catenin
%K vsx1
%K boz
%K chordamesoderm
%K development
%K vsx1
%K boz
%K chordamesoderm
%K development
%U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=01BA20E8BA813E1908F3698710BBFEFEE816345F465FEBA5&cid=96E6E851B5104576C2DD9FC1FBCB69EF&jid=DD6615BC9D2CFCE0B6F945E8D5314523&aid=0CD1418322C7989966E8F0051788D3BB&yid=140ECF96957D60B2&vid=E514EE58E0E50ECF&iid=0B39A22176CE99FB&sid=769BD58726D66E7D&eid=04445C1D2BDA24EE&journal_id=1001-6538&journal_name=科学通报(英文版)&referenced_num=0&reference_num=31