%0 Journal Article %T Supersymmetric Extensions of Non-Relativistic Scaling Algebras %A Makoto Sakaguchi %A Kentaroh Yoshida %J Symmetry %D 2012 %I MDPI AG %R 10.3390/sym4030517 %X An exciting subject in string theory is to consider some applications of the AdS/CFT correspondence to realistic systems like condensed matter systems. Since most of such systems are non-relativistic, an anisotropic scaling symmetry with the general value of dynamical critical exponent z plays an important role in constructing the gravity duals for non-relativistic field theories. Supersymmetric extensions of symmetry algebras including the anisotropic scaling are very helpful to consider holographic relations accurately. We give a short summary on the classification of superalgebras with the anisotropic scaling as subalgebras of the following Lie superalgebras, psu(2,2|4), osp(8|4) and osp (8*|4), which appear in the study of AdS/CFT in type IIB string and M theories. It contains supersymmetric extensions of Schr£żdinger algebra and Lifshitz algebra. %K supersymmetry %K non-relativistic limit %K scale invariance %K AdS/CFT %U http://www.mdpi.com/2073-8994/4/3/517