%0 Journal Article %T The effect of topography aberration on the pseudo-section of the dipole-dipole array resistivity sounding
地形畸变对偶极-偶极电阻率测深拟断面图的影响 %A 吴小平 %A 柳建新 %A 段无悔 %A 蓝燕 %J 地球物理学进展 %D 2010 %I %X The dipole-dipole section method is a common geophysical exploration tool in the field. But there is little report about the effect correction of topography aberration on the pseudo-section diagram. We use some typical models to make forward calculation for the apparent resistivity and draw the pseudo-section diagram accordingly. The pseudo-section is seriously distorted from the original one at the topography aberration position. And the effecive pseudo-section is not continuous. We should process the section by splitting it to some segments, and analyze it by grades. %K topography aberration %K dipole-dipole %K pseudo-section map %K availability pseudo-section %K resisitivity anomaly
地形畸变 %K 偶极-偶极 %K 拟断面图 %K 有效拟断面 %K 电阻率异常 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=E62459D214FD64A3C8082E4ED1ABABED5711027BBBDDD35B&cid=1E44AE713D8A6DE0&jid=65CE641AB2DEAAF8B2D39ECB6B6B6C80&aid=FBF6AEFBA357C2D3CA85EB84156D2478&yid=140ECF96957D60B2&vid=C5154311167311FE&iid=0B39A22176CE99FB&sid=20C9FB8C7B4A22AD&eid=9A596D09E9486F3E&journal_id=1004-2903&journal_name=地球物理学进展&referenced_num=2&reference_num=18