%0 Journal Article %T Cost and cost effectiveness of long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets - a model-based analysis %A Anni-Maria Pulkki-Br£¿nnstr£¿m %A Claudia Wolff %A Niklas Br£¿nnstr£¿m %A Jolene Skordis-Worrall %J Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation %D 2012 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/1478-7547-10-5 %X We modelled the choice of net over a 10-year period to facilitate the comparison of nets with different lifespan (and/or price) and replenishment need over time. Our base case represents a large-scale programme which achieves high coverage and usage throughout the population by distributing either LLINs or conventional nets through existing health services, and retreats a large proportion of conventional nets regularly at low cost. We identified the determinants of bed net programme cost effectiveness and parameter values for usage rate, delivery and retreatment cost from the literature. One-way sensitivity analysis was conducted to explicitly compare the differential effect of changing parameters such as price, lifespan, usage and replenishment need.If conventional and long-lasting bed nets have the same physical lifespan (3 years), LLINs are more cost effective unless they are priced at more than USD 1.5 above the price of conventional nets. Because a longer lifespan brings delivery cost savings, each one year increase in lifespan can be accompanied by a USD 1 or more increase in price without the cheaper net (of the same type) becoming more cost effective. Distributing replenishment nets each year in addition to the replacement of all nets every 3-4 years increases the number of under-5 deaths averted by 5-14% at a cost of USD 17-25 per additional person protected per annum or USD 1080-1610 per additional under-5 death averted.Our results support the World Health Organization recommendation to distribute only LLINs, while giving guidance on the price thresholds above which this recommendation will no longer hold. Programme planners should be willing to pay a premium for nets which have a longer physical lifespan, and if planners are willing to pay USD 1600 per under-5 death averted, investing in replenishment is cost effective.Distributing insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) has become an integral component of national anti-malaria programmes e.g. [1]. Within tho %K Insecticide-treated bed nets (ITN) %K Long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets (LLIN) %K Replenishment %K malaria %U http://www.resource-allocation.com/content/10/1/5