%0 Journal Article %T Molecular and phylogenetic characterization of the sieve element occlusion gene family in Fabaceae and non-Fabaceae plants %A Boris R¨¹ping %A Antonia M Ernst %A Stephan B Jekat %A Steffen Nordzieke %A Anna R Reineke %A Boje M¨¹ller %A Erich Bornberg-Bauer %A Dirk Pr¨¹fer %A Gundula A Noll %J BMC Plant Biology %D 2010 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/1471-2229-10-219 %X We performed a comprehensive genome-wide comparative analysis by screening the M. truncatula, Glycine max, Arabidopsis thaliana, Vitis vinifera and Solanum phureja genomes, and a Malus domestica EST library for homologs of MtSEO1, MtSEO2 and MtSEO3 and identified numerous novel SEO genes in Fabaceae and even non-Fabaceae plants, which do not possess forisomes. Even in Fabaceae some SEO genes appear to not encode forisome components. All SEO genes have a similar exon-intron structure and are expressed predominantly in the phloem. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the presence of several subgroups with Fabaceae-specific subgroups containing all of the known as well as newly identified forisome component proteins. We constructed Hidden Markov Models that identified three conserved protein domains, which characterize SEO proteins when present in combination. In addition, one common and three subgroup specific protein motifs were found in the amino acid sequences of SEO proteins. SEO genes are organized in genomic clusters and the conserved synteny allowed us to identify several M. truncatula vs G. max orthologs as well as paralogs within the G. max genome.The unexpected occurrence of forisome-like genes in non-Fabaceae plants may indicate that these proteins encode species-specific P-proteins, which is backed up by the phloem-specific expression profiles. The conservation of gene structure, the presence of specific motifs and domains and the genomic synteny argue for a common phylogenetic origin of forisomes and other P-proteins.In vascular plants, photoassimilates are transported through differentiated sieve elements (SEs) in the phloem forming a network of sieve tubes throughout the plant [1]. The pressure-driven mass flow [2] requires a high degree of functional specialization of the phloem during development. In order to enable efficient translocation of photoassimilates, SEs loose most of their organelles and thus the ability to perform protein biosynthesis [3]. Matur %U http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/10/219