%0 Journal Article %T Open source tools for management and archiving of digital microscopy data to allow integration with patient pathology and treatment information %A Matloob Khushi %A Georgina Edwards %A Diego Alonso de Marcos %A Jane E Carpenter %A J Dinny Graham %A Christine L Clarke %J Diagnostic Pathology %D 2013 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/1746-1596-8-22 %X We have developed two Java based open source tools: Snapshot Creator and NDPI-Splitter. Snapshot Creator converts a portion of a large digital slide into a desired quality JPEG image. The image is linked to the patient¡¯s clinical and treatment information in a customised open source cancer data management software (Caisis) in use at the Australian Breast Cancer Tissue Bank (ABCTB) and then published on the ABCTB website (http://www.abctb.org.au webcite) using Deep Zoom open source technology. Using the ABCTB online search engine, digital images can be searched by defining various criteria such as cancer type, or biomarkers expressed. NDPI-Splitter splits a large image file into smaller sections of TIFF images so that they can be easily analysed by image analysis software such as Metamorph or Matlab. NDPI-Splitter also has the capacity to filter out empty images.Snapshot Creator and NDPI-Splitter are novel open source Java tools. They convert digital slides into files of smaller size for further processing. In conjunction with other open source tools such as Deep Zoom and Caisis, this suite of tools is used for the management and archiving of digital microscopy images, enabling digitised images to be explored and zoomed online. Our online image repository also has the capacity to be used as a teaching resource. These tools also enable large files to be sectioned for image analysis.The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/5330903258483934 webciteOver the past decade there has been a marked increase in the use of virtual microscopy. Digital slides offer many benefits over traditional microscopy, such as ease of access, archiving, annotation and sharing. Automatic identification and percentage calculation of malignant/cancer regions of hundreds of archive slides have become possible by the use of data mining analysis tools [1-3]. Multiple digital slide images can be opened and analysed at the same time. For e %K Snapshot Creator %K NDPI-Splitter %K Virtual microscopy %K Digital slides %K Caisis %K Deep Zoom %U http://www.diagnosticpathology.org/content/8/1/22