%0 Journal Article %T Eccrine carcinoma : a rare cutaneous neoplasm %A Karima Idrissi Serhrouchni %A Taoufiq Harmouch %A Laila Chbani %A Hind El Fatemi %A Mohammed Sekal %A Nawal Hammas %A Meriem Soughi %A Loubna Benchat %A Afaf Amarti %J Diagnostic Pathology %D 2013 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/1746-1596-8-15 %X In our case, we present a 46- year-old female with a recurring exophytic tumor on the right lower extremity, without local extension.The initial tumor was biopsied, excised and diagnosed as an eccrine carcinoma.The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/3568051328673318 webcite.Malignant cutaneous adnexal neoplasms are a large and varied group, in particular eccrine carcinoma. They are one of the most challenging areas of Dermatopathology [1].Eccrine and apocrine neoplasms present a bewildering array of morphologies which often defy precise classification [2].The purpose of this case is to discuss the most common problems concerning the classification of this rare neoplasm and report the aim of the immunohistochemical profiles in differential diagnosis between a primitive eccrine carcinoma of the skin and a secondary neoplasm.In July 2012, a 45-year-old Moroccan woman presented to the department of Dermatology of Hassan II University Hospital of Fez with a 25-year-history of primary infertility, and an 18-month-history of an exophytic mass at the posterior right lower extremity, gradually increasing in size. She was otherwise healthy and had no systemic symptoms. Physical examination showed an ulcerative and bourgeoning mass of 15 cm with bleeding and purulent features (Figure 1). Biological tests included a complete blood count, routine blood and urine chemistry were normal, except for elevated LDH. Tumor markers as like as CA 19¨C9, CA 125, CA 15¨C3 were normal. MRI of the leg showed a subcutaneous infiltrative process coming into contact with the muscle fascia.The rest of the radiological examination, including radiography of the lung, abdominopelvic ultrasonography, computed tomographic thoraco-abdomino-pelvic scan, was normal.The mammography and ultrasound examination objectified a 4 mm measuring benign cystic lesion of the left breast classified ACR 3, requiring supervision during six months.After biops %K Eccrine carcinoma %K Sweat gland tumor %K Mammary gland %U http://www.diagnosticpathology.org/content/8/1/15