%0 Journal Article %T Model-based analysis of an adaptive evolution experiment with Escherichia coli in a pyruvate limited continuous culture with glycerol %A Ronny Feuer %A Katrin Gottlieb %A Gero Viertel %A Johannes Klotz %A Steffen Schober %A Martin Bossert %A Oliver Sawodny %A Georg Sprenger %A Michael Ederer %J EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology %D 2012 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/1687-4153-2012-14 %X Since the long term evolution experiment of Lenski et al. [1], laboratory evolution has attracted much attention [2]. They demonstrated the adaptive behavior of mircoorganisms through shaking flask experiments with regular transfer in fresh culture media [1]. Already, Hoefle et al. [3] reported the presence of selective pressure in chemostat experiments. In the fermentation process, the adaptive evolution of the organisms occurs through random genetic mutation and controlled selection [4]. This process exhibits considerable potential for the design of industrial production strains [5]. Small product yields, slow growth, evolutive instability of mutated strains or toxicity of byproducts are limiting factors that are expected to be tackled with adaptive evolution [6]. Additionally, understanding of how environmental conditions shape the metabolism can be enhanced through adaptive evolution. A fine-tuning of enzyme expression levels balancing the cost and burden of protein production was demonstrated by Dekel et al. [7]. The genetic basis for such short-term evolutions has been intensely studied by using genome resequencing technology [8]. However, the genetic basis of adaptations is not always obvious. For example, a rewiring of the regulatory network is reported to be a source of adaptation [9] in the tolerance of E. coli to ethanol. Models for evolving regulatory networks were developed by Crombach et al. [10] and Xie et al. [11]. Constraint-based models of the metabolism are already in use for predicting maximal yields of organisms and optimal outcomes of adaptive evolution [12].Here, we present the concept of an adaptive evolution experiment in a bioreactor. In such a process, the evolutive pressure on the microorganisms for either fast growth or optimal biomass yield on a limiting substrate can be used to attain or improve the production of a desired compound. Motivated to know possible endpoints of the evolution experiment, we developed an algorithm for computin %U http://bsb.eurasipjournals.com/content/2012/1/14