%0 Journal Article %T Cerebrovascular atherosclerosis in type III hyperlipidemia is modulated by variation in the Apolipoprotein A5 gene %A D Evans %A A Bode %A G von der Lippe %A FU Beil %A WA Mann %J European Journal of Medical Research %D 2011 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/2047-783x-16-2-79 %X However only about 10% of subjects with APOE2/2 genotype develop hyperlipidemia and it is therefore assumed that further genetic and environmental factors are necessary for the expression of disease. It has recently been shown that variation in the APOA5 gene is one of these co-factors. The aim of this study is to investigate the development of cerebrovascular atherosclerosis in patients with Type III hyperlipoproteinemia (Type III HLP) and the role of variation in the APOA5 gene as a risk factor.60 patients with type III hyperlipidemia and ApoE2/2 genotype were included in the study after informed consent. The presence of cerebrovascular atherosclerosis was investigated using B-mode ultra-sonography of the carotid artery. Serum lipid levels were measured by standard procedures. The APOE genotype and the 1131T > C and S19W SNPs in the APOA5 gene and the APOC3 sstI SNP were determined by restriction isotyping Allele frequencies were determined by gene counting and compared using Fisher's exact test. Continuous variables were compared using the Mann Whitney test. A p value of 0.05 or below was considered statistically significant. Analysis was performed using Statistica 7 software.The incidence of the APOA5 SNPs, -1131T > C and S19W and the APOC3 sstI SNP were determined as a potential risk modifier. After correction for conventional risk factors, the C allele of the 1131T > C SNP in the APOA5 gene was associated with an increased risk for the development of carotid plaque in patients with Type III HLP with an odds ratio of 3.69. Evaluation of the genotype distribution was compatible with an independent effect of APOA5.The development of atherosclerosis in patients with Type III HLP is modulated by variation in the APOA5 gene.Type III HLP is a rare disorder of lipid metabolism with a frequency of approximately 1-5 in 5000 and is characterized by the accumulation of triglyceride rich lipoprotein remnant particles in the form of (¦Â-VLDL and homozygosity for the ¦Å2 allel %K Type III Hyperlipoproteinemia %K Apolipoprotein A5 %K Apolipoprotein C3 %K atherosclerosis %K gene variation %U http://www.eurjmedres.com/content/16/2/79