%0 Journal Article %T Building, inhabiting and perceiving private houses in early medieval Italy %A Bianchi %A Giovanna %J Arqueolog¨ªa de la Arquitectura %D 2013 %I Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient¨ªficas %X The first part of the article sums up the evolution of the subject of private houses and homes in Italian historiography, beginning mainly in the 1970s, when scholars began to take an interest in this subject, also thanks to the development of the modern discipline of Medieval Archeology. After identifying current lines of research, the second section analyzes the main kinds of dwellings, their geographical distribution, and their various chronologies. The third section goes on to discuss the issue of how these residential buildings were the product of particular technical skills, analyzing the characteristics of the knowledge of the people who built them, in some cases also attested to in written sources. The fourth section seeks to link specific choices of construction solution to the socio-economic context of the time, trying to establish a connection between the type of buildings that were built, the kind of life their inhabitants led, and the contemporary mentality. The last section is dedicated to a sort of final synthesis, with a brief, further examination of the various issues dealt with in the article as a whole. La primera parte del art¨ªculo hace un resumen de la evoluci¨®n de las casas particulares y viviendas dom¨¦sticas en la historiograf¨ªa italiana a partir de los a os 70, cuando los estudiosos empezaron a interesarse por el tema y tambi¨¦n gracias al desarrollo de la disciplina moderna de arqueolog¨ªa medieval. Tras identificar las actuales l¨ªneas de investigaci¨®n, la segunda parte analiza los principales tipos de vivienda, su distribuci¨®n geogr¨¢fica y diversas cronolog¨ªas. La tercera aborda el concepto de las viviendas residenciales como el resultado de determinadas habilidades t¨¦cnicas y analiza las caracter¨ªsticas del conocimiento del pueblo que las levant¨®, corroborando algunos casos con fuentes documentales. La cuarta parte intenta encontrar una relaci¨®n entre las decisiones tomadas en determinadas soluciones constructivas y el contexto socioecon¨®mico de la ¨¦poca, con el fin de establecer una conexi¨®n entre la tipolog¨ªa de las viviendas, la vida de sus moradores y la mentalidad de la ¨¦poca. El ¨²ltimo apartado ofrece un resumen final con un breve repaso a los temas abordados en el art¨ªculo. %K Private homes %K Italy %K early medieval period %K archeology of architecture %K technical skills %K ways of living %K Viviendas particulares %K Italia %K alta Edad Media %K arqueolog¨ªa de la arquitectura %K conocimientos t¨¦cnicos %K modos de vida %U http://arqarqt.revistas.csic.es/index.php/arqarqt/article/view/147/141