%0 Journal Article %T TRANSCRANIAL DOPPLER AND VASODILATORS THERAPY AS PREDICTORS OF EARLY OUTCOME IN ACUTE ISCHEMIC STROKE %A L. Pendefunda %J Romanian Neurosurgery %D 2011 %I Romanian Society of Neurosurgery %X The clinical impact of risk factors andvasodilator therapy in prevention of acuteischemic stroke remains uncertain. Ischemicstroke was considered severe in theRomanian Stroke Prevention Society. Pooroutcome are at 10 days after onset of a minorischaemic stroke or a transient ischaemicattack. The association between predictorsand outcome was assessed usingunconditional multivariable logisticregression. Covariates used included age,stroke severity, diabetes mellitus, coronaryartery disease, atrial fibrillation, premorbidhypertension and hyper-lipidemia and theresults pursuited by Transcranial Doppler,analyzing the Pendefunda¡¯s Index. Threehundred and twenty-eight patients wereincluded. Compared to patients predicted asnormal who were found to have anincreased stroke risk, our patients decreasdthe clinical aspects after the vasodilatorsadministration, while the reactivity in thefirst week after stroke onset was found toresult in a decreased risk. However, neitherof these findings remained significant afteradjustment for the described covariates if wehaven¡¯t test the best reactivity to the drugs. %K acute ischemic stroke %K brain infarction %K clinical management of stroke %K prediction of outcome %K stroke prognosis %K transient ischaemic attack %K minor ischaemic stroke %U http://www.roneurosurgery.eu/atdoc/5PendefundaTranscranial.pdf