%0 Journal Article %T O meta-analiza asupra relatiei dintre performanta in munca si conflictul munca-familie la persoanele angajate %A Salagean %A Nastasia %A Mada %A Doriana %A Albulescu %A Sabina %J Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology %D 2012 %I West University of Timisoara %X The current meta-analysis represents an objective literature review of the studies that examine the relationship between work-family conflict and work performance. The overall aim of this paper is to investigate said relationship in an objective manner and to provide a measurable summary of the literature. Through the use of PsycInfo - the main database that deals with psychology articles and Academic Search Complete- a multi-disciplinary database, we identified eight studies that deal with the connection between work-family conflict and work performance. By examining the available information, a number of five hypotheses were developed. In order to study the relationship between the two concepts, we employed the fixed effects model. Thus, we found out that work-life conflict is negatively correlated with job performance. In addition, results indicate that the age and gender of the participants as well as the method used to evaluate performance did not influence said relationship. Conversely, we determined that marital status is an important factor that models the relationship between job performance and work-family conflict. %K job performance %K work performance %K productivity %K work-life conflict %K work-family conflict %K gender %K age %K marital status %U http://www.rjap.psihologietm.ro/Download/rjap142_4.pdf