%0 Journal Article %T Using Emotional Intervention to Teach Arabic as a Foreign Language: Instructional Design Perspective %A Qais Faryadi %J ARPN Journal of Systems and Software %D 2012 %I ARPN Publishers %X This appraisal argues that emotional interventions in learning a foreign Language are vital. Emotions generate desire and desireinitiates motivation. Emotion is crucial in creating knowledge and meaning as thus, affecting how learners learn a language. The prime purpose of this assessment is to investigate the effects of positive and negative emotions in learning Arabic as a foreign language. Researchers and Psychologists agree that positive emotions bring physical and psychological changes to human being. Scientists further postulate that positive or negative emotions bring fundamental changes in the way a person behaves. Using positive emotional interventions and arousing inner feelings of the learners help themto learn better and enjoy learning. Researchers further claim that strong positive emotions assist people to be motivated and to manage their life in a positive way. As thus, this analysis attempts to study how collective emotional intervention by instructors, parents, sociocultural forces and cogitative interferences will motivate learners to learn. %K Instructional design %K Arabic Language %K Learning %K Emotion %K psychology %U http://scientific-journals.org/journalofsystemsandsoftware/archive/vol2no1/vol2no1_7.pdf