%0 Journal Article %T A genetic polymorphism in the CAV1 gene associates with the development of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome after lung transplantation %A Elisabeth A Kastelijn %A Coline HM van Moorsel %A Karin M Kazemier %A Suzan M Roothaan %A Henk JT Ruven %A Johanna M Kwakkel-van Erp %A Ed A van de Graaf %A Pieter Zanen %A Diana A van Kessel %A Jan C Grutters %J Fibrogenesis & Tissue Repair %D 2011 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/1755-1536-4-24 %X In this study, we investigated whether CAV1 genotypes associate with BOS and whether Cav-1 serum levels are influenced by the CAV1 genotype and can be used as a biomarker to predict the development of BOS.Twenty lung transplant recipients with BOS (BOSpos), ninety without BOS (BOSneg) and four hundred twenty-two healthy individuals donated DNA samples. Four SNPs in CAV1 were genotyped. Serial Cav-1 serum levels were measured in a matched cohort of 10 BOSpos patients and 10 BOSneg patients. Furthermore, single-time point Cav-1 serum levels were measured in 33 unmatched BOSneg patients and 60 healthy controls.Homozygosity of the minor allele of rs3807989 was associated with an increased risk for BOS (odds ratio: 6.13; P = 0.0013). The median Cav-1 serum level was significantly higher in the BOSpos patients than in the matched BOSneg patients (P = 0.026). Longitudinal analysis did not show changes in Cav-1 serum levels over time in both groups. The median Cav-1 serum level in the group of 43 BOSneg patients was lower than that in the healthy control group (P = 0.046).In lung transplant recipients, homozygosity of the minor allele of rs3807989 and rs3807994 was associated with increased Cav-1 serum levels.In lung transplant recipients, the CAV1 SNP rs3807989 was associated with the development of BOS and Cav-1 serum levels were influenced by the CAV1 genotype.Caveolae are 50- to 100-nm flask-shaped cell membrane invaginations in which the primary structural component is caveolin 1 (Cav-1) [1]. Cav-1 has been found in many cell types, but is abundantly expressed in endothelial cells, type 1 pneumocytes, epithelial cells, smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts [2-5]. It has many cellular functions, including vesicular transport, signal transduction and cholesterol homeostasis [1,4,6].Kasper et al. [5] were the first investigators to link Cav-1 to a fibrotic phenotype in the lungs of rats. Subsequently, studies of the role of Cav-1 in pulmonary fibrosis in humans were conduct %K caveolin 1 %K genetic polymorphism %K serum %K lung transplantation %K bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome %U http://www.fibrogenesis.com/content/4/1/24