%0 Journal Article %T ¨¤ quelles conditions une charte est-elle efficace ? What are the conditions for an efficient charter? %A Emmanuelle Danblon %J Argumentation et Analyse du Discours %D 2010 %I University of Tel-Aviv %X Dans cet article, on soutient que la d¨¦claration des droits de l¡¯homme constitue un genre rh¨¦torique dont les conditions d¡¯efficacit¨¦ peuvent s¡¯analyser ¨¤ trois niveaux : les conventions, les fictions et les motivations. Sa vis¨¦e est la cr¨¦ation d¡¯un monde commun. On montre ¨¤ travers l¡¯exemple de la d¨¦claration pour le droit des animaux comment une charte ¨¦choue ¨¤ r¨¦aliser cette vis¨¦e. In this paper, it is argued that the Declaration of Human Right is a rhetorical genre that is efficient if three conditions are fullfilled: the expression of conventions, of fictions and of motivations. The aim of such a genre is to create a common world. It is shown with the Declaration for Animals¡¯ Rights how such a charter can fail to achieve this purpose. %K fiction %K efficiency %K motivation %K rhetorical genre %K convention %K fiction %K genre rh¨¦torique %K convention %K motivation %K efficacit¨¦ %U http://aad.revues.org/769