%0 Journal Article %T LA MUNICIPALITE DE BISTRI A - UN POSSIBLE MODELE DE SURMONTER LES RISQUES QUI MENACENT LE CENTRE-VILLE HISTORIQUE ET DE VALORISATION TOURISTIQUE DE CELUI-CI %A AL. P£¿CURAR %A ANCA-IRINA P£¿CURAR %J Riscuri £¿i Catastrofe %D 2012 %I Casa Cartii de Stiinta Cluj-Napoca %X The Municipality of Bistri a ¨C a potential model for surpassing urban risks and for the touristic capitalisation of its historic center. Situated on the trail of an important trade route, exploiting from an early age its rich natural surroundings, Bistri a has developed as a typical Transylvanian city. Its historic center, built during the XIV-XVII centuries, compact and uniform, is a valuable urban and architectural heritage and was declared a protected architectural area. In time, especially during 1948-1990, a series of urban risks affected Bistri a¡¯s historic center, due to the carelessness and ignorance towards the past and the area¡¯s identity, which are highlighted in this study. After 1990, a beneficial process of restoring this heritage began, along with the awareness and the sense of ownership of the local community regarding its value and along with its capitalisation through tourism. %K ville commerciale royale %K centre historique %K le patrimoine architectural m¨¦di¨¦val %K le risque de d¨¦gradation des ¨¦difices architecturaux de grande valeur %K le risque d¡¯utiliser improprement les ¨¦difices architecturaux. %U http://riscurisicatastrofe.reviste.ubbcluj.ro/Volume/XI_Nr_11_2_2012/PDF/Pacurar.pdf