%0 Journal Article %T Some Conceptual Misunderstandings of the Fundamentals of Soft Set Theory %A Prof. D. Singh %A Onyeozili I. A. %J ARPN Journal of Systems and Software %D 2012 %I ARPN Publishers %X Our main objective in this paper is to clarify some conceptual misunderstandings of the fundamentals of soft set theory in particular reference to the recent papers of Fu Li (Notes on the soft operations, ARPN Journal of systems and software, 1(2011) 205 ¨C 208) and Xun Ge and S. Yang (Investigations on some operations of soft sets, World Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 75 (2011) 1113 ¨C 1116 %K Not set %K Soft Set %K Soft Operation %U http://scientific-journals.org/journalofsystemsandsoftware/archive/vol2no9/vol2no9_4.pdf