%0 Journal Article %T A PPS Sampling Scheme Using Harmonic Mean of An Auxiliary Variable %A L.N. Sahoo %A M. Dalabehera %A A.K. Mangaraj %J ARPN Journal of Systems and Software %D 2012 %I ARPN Publishers %X We consider a probability proportional to size sampling scheme by using harmonic mean of an auxiliary variable, when the correlation between study variable and auxiliary variable is highly negative. This is achieved by considering inverse transformation of the auxiliary variable and then utilizing the transformed auxiliary variable values at the design stage of the survey operation in selecting a sample. %K Auxiliary variable %K correlation coefficient %K efficiency %K finite population %K inclusion probability %K ppz sampling %K unbiased estimator %U http://scientific-journals.org/journalofsystemsandsoftware/archive/vol2no7/vol2no7_2.pdf