%0 Journal Article %T Changing in basic determinants of quality of life in people of working age with chronic skin diseases %A Yeremina M.G. %J Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research %D 2012 %I Saratov State Medical University %X A comparative assessment of health-related quality of life in working age patients with various chronic diseases of skin was carried out in the given research. Two specifc questionnaires DLQI and DSQL were used. DSQL allows us to distinguish the quality of life in patients with various types of dermatitis using more criteria than the questionnaire DLQI (Dermatology Life Quality Index). There has not a comparative analysis of the usage of these questionnaires in patients with different nosological forms of skin diseases been organized. Aims. The study presents a comparative evaluation of health-related quality of life in patients of working age with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis using two specifc questionnaires ¡ª DLQI and DSQL. Methods. The work is based on Saratov State Medical University n.a. VI Razumovsky of Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, using the resources of Hematology and Pathology Clinic, Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases. To identify the prevalence of disease, employable contingent working at factories with no occupational exposures. An estimating of QoL (quality of life) included interviews with questionnaires written in by patients themselves. The obtained data were statistically processed. Results. Quality of life in patients with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis is signifcantly reduced, even in a period of stable remission. The decline in the quality of life according to the most of scales in patients with atopic dermatitis is more signifcant than with psoriasis. Even non-acute phase of chronic dermatitis (atopic dermatitis and psoriasis) is able to infuence the decrease in productivity at work, has a negative impact on daily activities. %K atopic dermatts %K Dermatology Life Quality Index %K dermatology specifc quality of life %K psoriasis %U http://www.ssmj.ru/system/files/201202_621-626.pdf