%0 Journal Article %T Wagner's Law in Saudi Arabia 1970 - 2012: An Econometric Analysis %A Mohammed Moosa Ageli %J Asian Economic and Financial Review %D 2013 %I Asian Economic and Social Society %X Our goal in this paper is to explorethe validity of WagnerĄ¯s Law in Saudi Arabia during the period (1970-2012) for real oil GDP and Non-oil GDP.WagnerĄ¯s Law investigated that fundamental economic growth is validity to the public sector growth. In the previousstudies have been tested the six versions of WagnerĄ¯s law to support the existence of long-run relationship between government expenditure and economic growth.We used a method as a time series econometrics techniques to examine how far WagnerĄ¯s Law validity can be applied in Saudi economy. The results obtained from the analyses find that the Wagnerian proposition can explain the growth of government in Saudi Arabia, which holds for both the oil and non-oil income cases. The findings also note that the existence of strong causality for all of WagnerĄ¯s law versions in the long run. %K Wagner's Law %K Co-integration %K Error Correction Model (ECM) %K Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) %K Government Expenditure %K Economic Growth %K Saudi Arabia %U http://www.aessweb.com/abstract.php?m=May2013&id=5002&aid=1884