%0 Journal Article %T An Efficient GUI Face Recognition System Based on Dirichlet Laplacian Awareness %A Mamoud Elgamal %J ARPN Journal of Systems and Software %D 2012 %I ARPN Publishers %X The eigenvalues of Dirichlet Laplacian used efficiently as a curve descriptor to generate three different sets of features for shape analysis and classification in binary images[5]. For the binary images the generated features are rotation-, translation-, and size-invariant. It was shown that the three sets of features were tolerant of boundary noise and deformation. These features are used to develop a graphical user interface for inquiry of facial images among the database with/without noise. The recognition has been done with a high degree of accuracy and using a relatively small number of features. %K EigenvaluesFinite difference method %K Curve descriptor %K Binary image classification %K noise %U http://scientific-journals.org/journalofsystemsandsoftware/archive/vol2no6/vol2no6_2.pdf