%0 Journal Article %T Arqueologia do edificado em contexto de Arqueologia preventiva: o exemplo da Baixinha de Coimbra (Portugal) %A Bas¨ªlio %A L¨ªlia %A Almeida %A Miguel %J Arqueolog¨ªa de la Arquitectura %D 2010 %I Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient¨ªficas %X It is not common in Portugal, within the rescue archaeology context, the inclusion of detailed recordings of buildings to be demolished. Recording and interpretation of standing buildings are almost limited to restoration and preservation projects, mainly affecting monumental buildings. It is therefore that fundamental information for the history of Portuguese cities is being lost. Previously to a building project with huge impact on the current urban city wall of Baixinha de Coimbra, a rescue archaeological work to be carried out in the mentioned area was the singular chance to develop a global archaeological project including both standing building and ground archaeology. The project of Baixinha de Coimbra (currently running, although lands to build on have been not yet acquired) shows: firstly, the relevance and informative potential of civil architecture when considered as stratified object whose understanding is essential to build up the history of urban centres; secondly, the fundamental role to be played by the rescue archaeology within that process of knowing the history of the cities. In that sense, this paper insists on the urgent need of having corpora of materials and building techniques geographically and chronologically contextualised, and on the requirement of knowing to intervene , converting thus the knowledge of the history of the buildings and its urban development into the main axis of strategic options of the urban developing projects, mainly in historic centres. [pt] Em Portugal a inclus o de estudos detalhados dos edif¨ªcios a demolir no contexto de interven es de Arqueologia preventiva / de salvamento permanece rara, reservando-se a leitura e interpreta o dos conjuntos edificados quase exclusivamente para projectos espec¨ªficos da ¨¢rea da Conserva o e restauro, maioritariamente de edif¨ªcios com car¨¢cter monumental. Esta situa o tem provocado perdas irrecuper¨¢veis de informa o fundamental para a hist¨®ria das cidades portuguesas. Uma interven o de Arqueologia preventiva, pr¨¦via ¨¤ execu o de um projecto de constru o com impacto significativo sobre a malha urbana actual da Baixinha de Coimbra ,constituiu uma oportunidade singular para o desenvolvimento de um projecto global de Arqueologia que articula a an¨¢lise do edificado com trabalhos de escava o arqueol¨®gica. O projecto da Baixinha de Coimbra (actualmente em curso, mesmo no que respeita aos trabalhos de aquisi o de dados no terreno) demonstra: (1) a relevancia e o potencial informativo dos edif¨ªcios de arquitectura civil, quando encarados como objectos estratificados cuj %K Rescue Archaeology %K Building Archaeology %K Civil Architecture %K Arqueologia Preventiva %K Arqueologia do edificado %K Arquitectura Civil %U http://arqarqt.revistas.csic.es/index.php/arqarqt/article/view/116/112