%0 Journal Article %T Educa o de qualidade: um ˇ°bemˇ± a ser definido %A Antonio de Cistolo Ribeiro %A Carla da Mota Souza %A Sabrina Machado Campos %J Roteiro %D 2011 %I Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina %X Quality education: an ˇ°assetˇ± to be definedAbstract This article seeks to examine the Brazilian education regarding the concepts of quality. The outline of analysis starts from the year 1980, to contextualize the historical evolution and broadening the proposed debate. The focus is on conditionsstipulated by Minist¨¦rio de Educa o e Cultura (MEC) for measuringeducation quality as well as the interpretation of ˇ°qualityˇ± as described in the Lei de Diretrises e Bases (LDB) n. 9.394/96. The ideologies that pervade the various educational spaces were brought to the center of this reflection, as well as the political clashes economic, educational and social surrounding public educationin the country. It was shown the logic of the third way in co-management education with public-private partnership, commercializing education as a solution to obtain quality education. The methodology was an exploratory analysis of documentand literature pertaining to the subject. It was brought to review, the various concepts of quality used as a starting point when trying to define this word. A comparation beween tangible and intangible asset is exposed to as it can be a category of concrete analysis and understanding of the polysemy of the quality concept when appliedto education. %K Quality education %K Quality teaching %K Teaching excellence %K Public education. %U http://editora.unoesc.edu.br/index.php/roteiro/article/view/1092