%0 Journal Article %T EMBEDDED MICROPROCESSOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION CASE STUDY OF THE LEON3 PROCESSOR %A NABIL LITAYEM %A BOCHRA JAAFAR %A SLIM BEN SAOUD %J Journal of Engineering Science and Technology %D 2012 %I Taylor's University %X In this paper we propose a performance evaluation methodology based on three complementary benchmarks. This work is motivated by the fact that embedded systems are based on very specific hardware platforms. Measuring the performance of such systems becomes a very important task for any embedded system design process. In a classic case hardware performance is a basic result reported by the hardware manufacturer. The personalization of hardware configuration is one of the fundamental task of FPGA based embedded systems designer. They must measure the hardware performance himself. This paper will focus on hardware performance analysis of FPGA based embedded system using freely available benchmarks to reflect various performance aspects. We used in our study two embedded systems (Mono-processor and Bi-Processor) based on LEON3MMU processor and eCos RTOS. %K Embedded Systems %K Performance %K Benchmark %U http://jestec.taylors.edu.my/Vol%207%20Issue%205%20October%2012/Vol_7_5_574-588_%20NABIL%20LITAYEM.pdf