%0 Journal Article %T Impacts of Social Justice Perception on Elite Migration %A Davood Salmani %A Gholamreza Taleghani %A Ali Taatian %J Iranian Journal of Management Studies %D 2011 %I University of Tehran %X Elite migration and brain drain trend in Iran have undergone a dramatic ascent in the past fewdecades while we are seriously in need of educated manpower to help accomplish the 20-yearnational vision. So to consider brain drain is necessary and must be accounted by policymakers inall levels. In the upcoming paper, we study the brain drain as a social problem and elaborate a fivedimensionalsocial justice model as the main cause of brain drain. The results exhibit significantand reverse effects of distributional justice, emotional justice, procedural justice, transactionaljustice, and informational justice on brain drain intention. %K Elite migration %K Brain drain intention %K Distributional justice %K Emotional justice %K Procedural %U http://ijms.ir/pg/04/ijms0403.pdf