%0 Journal Article %T Localized osteomyelitis of the mandible secondary to dental treatment: report of a case %A Saeed Nezafati %A Mohammad Ali Ghavimi %A Amir Saeed Yavari %J Journal of Dental Research, Dental Clinics, Dental Prospects %D 2009 %I Tabriz University of Medical Sciences %X Osteomyelitis of the jaws following dental treatment is a rare condition which usually occurs in immuno-compromised patients both locally and generally. A case is presented with the alveolar bone necrosis resulting from leakage of an arsenical devitalizing paste into the periodontium. The treatment procedures and the outcomes are discussed in this article. %U http://dentistry.tbzmed.ac.ir/joddd/index.php/joddd/article/view/108