%0 Journal Article %T Motivational Beliefs and Self-regulated Learning in Low Vocational Training Track Students %A Jean-Louis Berger %J Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology %D 2012 %I %R 10.5539/jedp.v2n1p37 %X The present study investigates students¡¯ self-regulation of cognition and motivation and how they relate to motivational beliefs across three topics. Three types of topic-specific motivational beliefs (self-efficacy beliefs, achievement goals, and perceived instrumentality) and cognitive (cognitive and metacognitive strategy use in reading comprehension, writing, and mathematics) and motivational self-regulation were assessed by self-report in a sample of 243 vocational students in low vocational training tracks. The results indicate that perceived instrumentality is the prominent predictor of cognitive self-regulation across the three topics whereas mastery goals and self-efficacy play a significant but minor role in that prediction. Moreover, a significant self-efficacy by perceived instrumentality interaction effect emerged regarding cognitive self-regulation in mathematics. Motivational self-regulation is predicted consistently by self-efficacy, mastery goals, and work-avoidance goals. The differential effects of motivational beliefs on the facets of self-regulation are discussed. %U http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/jedp/article/view/12571