%0 Journal Article %T 開放式課程教材之著作權問題研究 Research on Copyright Issues of OpenCourseWare Materials %A Hui-Wen Hsieh %A Chao-Chen Chen %J Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences %D 2011 %I Tamkang University Press %X 開放式課程(OpenCourseWare)自2002年美國麻省理工學院正式發布後,世界各地之大學紛紛無償地開放課程與教材於網路上,供大眾學習、分享。當教師在課堂上教學時,或多或少都會利用他人著作設計教材,一旦教材於網路上公開傳輸,原本屬於合理使用的教材即有侵權的隱憂。本研究旨在探討教師進行開放式課程教學時之著作權問題及其看法,主要目的包括:(一)了解教師目前從事開放式課程教學及教材利用之情形;(二)分析教師利用開放式課程教材之著作權問題;(三)探討教師對於開放式課程教材之合理使用的看法。研究採半結構性訪談法,以參與國立台灣師範大學開放式課程計畫之教師為研究對象。最後並根據研究結果提出建議,以做為大學校院進行開放式課程之參考。 Since Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) published OpenCourseWare (OCW) in 2002, universities around the world continually and openly upload courses and teaching materials to the Internet and share with the people to use for free. However, teachers more or less use teaching materials designed by others when they give courses. Once these courses are uploaded to the Internet publicly, the fair use purposes of these teaching materials may confront problems of copyright infringement. The purposes of this study were: (1) To explore teachers’ usage of digital teaching materials; (2) To analyze the problems of copyright infringement when teachers using OpenCourseWare materials; (3) To discuss teachers’ opinions on issues about fair use doctrine of OpenCourseWare materials. This study uses methods through semi-structured interviews with teachers who participate in the project of National Taiwan Normal University OpenCourseWare (NTNU OCW). From the results of the study, recommendations for universities and colleges that publish OpenCourseWare are provided. %U http://joemls.dils.tku.edu.tw/fulltext/48/48-3/381-405.pdf